Wednesday, 4 January 2012


Happy New Year all! First blog of 2012. Take a moment to let it soak in. Apparently this year is going to be a big one.

All this talk of the Olympics and how this is going to be such an historic year for London is making me feel like I should try and achieve something this year and set some goals to work towards. So here goes...

1. Implement and co-ordinate the mentor scheme at work and make sure the momentum is kept up
2. Blog more often.
3. Continue with the digital elearning training at work and aim to get 100% in all the modules, therefore beating as many of the planners and buyers as possible. Competitive... moi?
4. Go to more PA networking events such as the next one SecsintheCity and Global PA Network are doing on the 19th (more details here)
5. Earn as much money as possible, because when it comes down to it, that’s the point of work. My big trip to Canada & the US isn’t going to pay for itself!

Fairly simple, not too ambitious and hopefully I'll actually be able to achieve these. I have my review in a few weeks so I'm sure we'll come up with even more PO's to work towards!

On a more personal level I'm going to try stop biting my lip and eat more fruit & veg but we'll see how those ones turns out!

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