Wednesday, 7 December 2011

Managing Multiple Men (or women)

Sometimes being a PA to one director can seem like a big enough challenge, let alone looking after multiple people. However in many companies it is becoming increasingly common for PAs to look after more than one person. I’m currently PA to three board directors, having previously looked after seven at one time, so I thought I’d share with you my top 5 tips that I find help me manage:

1. Lists, lists, lists! Personally I don’t understand how people get anything done without having to-do lists. I tend to have two lists – one for my directors and one for other projects that I’m working on. It also helps to code your lists so you know what’s important and what has to be done sooner. Give yourself deadlines and stick to them where possible.

2. Prioritising. It’s really important to know what’s important! Many directors say that something is urgent and needs to be done right away but learning to be confident enough to ask them if it really is that urgent is a skill that every PA needs to have. You also need to prioritise the work that each director gives you based on importance, time it takes and when it’s due. This is where the lists come in use!

3. Managing expectations. If you’re super busy then let them know, politely say that you are currently working on “xyz project”, so you may be slower in responding to everything but it will all get done ASAP. It’s better to push back rather than take on too much and then disappoint people. In most cases you’ll end up getting it done before you said you would anyway so everyone wins. Good communication with your bosses is vital, they don’t need to know every detail but just make them aware of what you have on if you’re especially busy.

4. Egos. They all like to think they’re your number one priority and making sure you keep them happy is important. It’s all about juggling them and their workloads, some are more busy than others so try to divide your time accordingly. Not everyone works the same so it’s good to figure that out when you start looking after them.

5. Catch ups. Where possible try and make the time to meet with each of your directors at the start of your week. I’ve previous tried to plan time in the diary for scheduled catch ups but sometimes it’s not possible if they’re always in back to back meetings. Generally try and grab them at the start of the week where you can. Slot yourself in between meetings just so you know what they need done that week.

It’s hard to say no when you’re a PA, your instinct is to want to help with everything but you’d be there till midnight every day! It’s all about prioritising and organising your time as well as theirs. I couldn’t survive without my colour co-ordination and lists. It really helps having a great PA support system. At my company we all meet regularly and always there to help each other – whether it’s during pitches, providing holiday cover or just generally on one of those days when everything goes wrong!

Juggling multiple bosses can be challenging but in the end it’s very rewarding and really helps you learn how to communicate and work with different types of people effectively. Personally I’ve got two new directors who have just started so I’m looking forward to building and shaping those relationships... Though I'll always have my favourites!

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